• Online Session – IFRS16 with SAP Lease Administration by Nakisa (10/13/2017) by Andreas Krüger - Many companies are currently at the start of their IFRS16 projects. Some are still evaluating tool alternatives, others are already in the middle of their implementation projects. Stampa Group is directly involved in a number of major IFRS16 implementations. In our upcoming online session we will introduce the latest release of SAP Lease Administration by Nakisa, a tool that not only offers a central lease administration plattform, but at the same time integrates directly into the ERP-systems of the company. We will also discuss those factors which, to our experience, can determine the effort and risks involved in an IFRS16… Read More
  • Process Design: Are you properly prepared to implement a new tool? (9/14/2017) by André Almeida -   Frequently we see situations where organizations decide to implement a new IT system without a process review. The time required for a process design often is considered unproductive and unnecessary. However, this time is very well spent, as an efficient process review is the best basis for a successful system implementation. Without a prior process design, improvements are a potential side-effect, not a driving factor.  The vast majority of companies decide to implement a tool without engaging in a comprehensive process review beforehand. Decisions are based on a set of specific needs or requirements that the current solution does… Read More
  • Process Design – Eight Iron Rules for Efficient Processes (5/16/2017) by André Almeida - A company may believe that the sheer fact of having processes defined makes them more efficient and effective. This misbelief can lead to the standardization of all kinds of steps and actions within the organization. However, such kind of exaggeration will have counterproductive effects. The focus must be on quality and not on quantity of processes and process definitions. Having a process defined does not automatically mean that the process is good. A critical question therefore is: What makes a “good” process? How can process quality be evaluated and improved? Processes are everywhere - but good ones? Process Design and… Read More
  • New online demo – IFRS16 with SAP Lease Administration (5/12/2017) by Andreas Krüger - Your company will have to comply with the new IFRS16 standard? You are in the process of evaluating different tool options? Then our upcoming live demo will be very interesting for you. IFRS16 – What’s the change? In early 2016 the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued ‘IFRS 16 Leases’. It sets out principles for the recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure of leases for both the lessee and the lessor. When IFRS16 becomes effective on 1st January 2019, a lessee will need to … capitalize the right to use the underlying asset (‘Right of Use ROU’) recognize the financial liability… Read More